Making healthcare solutions more accessible and engaging, leveraging AI.
Current users and prospective patients
Current users and prospective patients
Enhance patient care with AI for quick medical advice, personalized health tips, and secure data handling.
As a product manager, I identified an opportunity and created a process for product discovery and development. Utilizing my UX/UI skills, I conducted research to gain insights and created user-focused designs. Through iterative prototyping, I ensured the creation of an AI-powered solution that met user needs.
To enhance the patient experience, I first needed to identify improvement opportunities. I conducted user research by speaking with patients to understand their healthcare experiences better. After developing a persona, I was ready to brainstorm solutions.
According to Research and Markets, the Telemedicine Market is expected to grow to US$ 317.59 Billion by 2030, at a CAGR of 18.37%.
There is a growing demand for telemedicine and digital health solutions in emerging markets.
Target Audience: Current and prospective users of the Reliance Care app, including employees of organizations that have chosen Reliance for their healthcare needs.
Name: Amina
Age: 35
Bio: I run a very busy schedule as an employee and often don’t have the time to book and attend consultations.
Occupation: Social Media Strategist
Location: Lagos, Nigeria
Needs: Quick access to minor medical advice, personalized health tips, and data privacy.
Pain Points: Long wait times for consultations for minor issues, lack of ongoing health guidance.
“Often, I want to check how I feel and get feedback without committing time to schedule a consultation right away.”
Employees have busy schedules and need seamless access to quick health advice before having to commit to a full consultation. They struggle with long wait and engagement times for minor consultations and a lack of continuous health guidance.
Next, the product team, in collaboration with other stakeholders, brainstormed ideas in a design workshop. Following this, we collaborated with the Engineers to conduct a technical feasibility study to understand the feature’s technical requirements. Finally, the features were prioritized (using MosCow) to begin development. The high-fidelity UI designs were completed by the end of this phase.
AI-Powered symptom checker:
Improve user well-being and engagement by providing quick medical advice and personalized health tips.
Increase revenue by boosting user engagement and driving more meaningful consultations.
New Product Features: